News & Announcements
President Walk Announces MMC’s Fall 2025 Restart Plan
Novelist Kiley Reid ’10 Longlisted for Prestigious Booker Prize
MMC’s Estrella Redondo Named NYSACAC Vice President for Inclusion, Access & Success
Hear From Our Students
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/890-gabrielle-pilotti-14"><img src="/live/image/gid/7/width/215/src_region/253,0,1254,1001/6401_mmc_13-12-12_138.rev.1453902729.jpg" alt="Gabrielle Pilotti / Senior Group Thesis Exhibition" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “I believe experiences guide each individual into the right direction. My experience of working at <em>Parents Magazine</em> felt as if my dream was coming true because I was not just an extra in the corporation, I was part of a team. I felt like I could see my future: managing photoshoots, interviewing casting calls for future models, and watching all aspects of an editorial business come together to form a successful magazine.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/890-gabrielle-pilotti-14">Gabrielle Pilotti ’14</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2014, Art Major, <a href="/departments/art/photography.php" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Photography concentration</a></p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3210-lisa-sicurelli-84"><img src="/live/image/gid/110/width/215/src_region/0,39,1200,1238/22137_Lisa_Sicurelli.rev.1563210092.jpg" alt="Lisa Sicurelli" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>After obtaining a degree in Psychology and quickly advancing in the real estate industry, today Sicurelli is the President, CEO, and Cofounder of Ambassador Abstract LLC, a full-service title abstract company in Roslyn, New York. </em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3210-lisa-sicurelli-84">Lisa Sicurelli ’84</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 1984, <a href="/departments/psychology/">Psychology</a> major</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3175-travis-michael-flores-11"><img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/215/src_region/0,0,723,563/22038_Travis.rev.1560371834.jpg" alt="Travis on Access Live discussing his episode of My Last Days" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> Flores ’11 currently works as an executive producer for DonateLife and is the creator/writer for the upcoming comedy series <a title="Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link." href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="Verified">(sorta) supportive</a><span class="x_MsoHyperlink">,</span> a new show that addresses chronic conditions and disabilities.</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3175-travis-michael-flores-11">Travis Michael Flores ’11</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2011, <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/ba-program/theatre-performance.php">Theatre Performance</a> concentration</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/828-amanda-anzovino-19"><img src="/live/image/gid/110/width/215/src_region/0,0,350,350/18938_Unknown.rev.1537993699.jpg" alt=" Amanda Anzovino" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“The Psychology Department at MMC is incredible! The professors are extremely encouraging and supportive. Conducting research with my professors and becoming a student leader through the Psychology Club has given me the experience needed to be successful for graduate school and my future career.”</em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/828-amanda-anzovino-19">Amanda Anzovino ’19</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2025, Major in <a href="/departments/psychology/requirements.php">Psychology</a> ; Minor in Forensic Psychology, Social Work, Sociology</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1481-caela-collins-16"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,606,736/11739_caela.rev.1472490809.jpg" alt="Caela Collins" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “Before interning at <em>The Oprah Magazine</em>, I interned for small companies. This was my first glimpse into the Corporate world; I must say I loved it. I was able to make so many great long-standing relationships and learn the ins and outs of the publishing industry. A tip of advice that I would give to anyone is to always make yourself visible by being good at your job, meet as many people as you can in different departments, and be yourself! People like helping those who show ambition and genuine interest in learning the business so ask lots of questions. This was a great experience and I took away great memories!” </p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1481-caela-collins-16">Caela Collins ’16</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2016, <a href="/departments/business/">Business</a> major, <a href="/departments/art/studio-art.php">Studio Art</a> and <a href="/departments/communication-arts/">Communication Arts</a> minors</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/2518-mary-schlaff-19"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,282,361/17766_Mary_Schlaff.rev.1527607128.jpg" alt="Mary Schlaff" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>I am thrilled that I was able to land an Internship with Franklin Templeton Investments this summer. This past year, as president of the Marymount Business Association, I have been engaged in arranging special career events on campus to give all students more opportunities to meet alumni and industry professionals and it has been so rewarding! I am truly proud to be a Griffin! </em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/2518-mary-schlaff-19">Mary Schlaff ’19</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2025, Finance Major with minors in Accounting and Economics</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1517-brooke-czoski-15"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,1463,1463/12287_brookeczoskiheadshot.rev.1457019601.jpg" alt="Brooke Czoski, 2015 Marketing major, Fashion Studies minor" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “The professors at MMC are what really made my experience enjoyable. The passion, dedication, and expertise that they projected created an environment where everyone wanted to succeed.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1517-brooke-czoski-15">Brooke Czoski ’15</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2015, BS Marketing</p><p> Minor: Fashion Studies</p></div></div>
- · (N-P-K 19-7-19)、50 千克 佛山市三水区四季丰复合有机肥公司 精制有机肥 有机质≥45%、40kg ... VP#SY012、120/60 童服/ 男短袖上衣 2612、160/94 佛山市西伍 ...
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1407-raymond-romano-11"><img src="/live/image/gid/108/width/215/src_region/0,0,2048,1990/11232_romano_raymond_1508-01.rev.1472490806.jpg" alt="Raymond Romano" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“Few of my graduate student colleagues can say they had such a fruitful undergraduate experience compared to me. While at MMC, I was able to present seven scientific posters at regional and national conferences. I had the opportunity to participate in two academic talks, and I was also co-author of one publication on organ donation. Since leaving MMC, I have used the skills daily that were taught to me by MMC faculty, ranging from time-management, to critical thinking, and applying concepts of physiology.” </em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1407-raymond-romano-11">Raymond Romano ’11</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2011, Major in <a href="/departments/natural-sciences/major-biology.php" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Biology</a></p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3333-zoe-kamil-18"><img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/215/src_region/40,207,1272,1440/23191_Zoe_Kamil_headshot.rev.1572789459.jpg" alt="Zoe Kamil '18" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “<em>Playwriting at Marymount Manhattan enabled me to form the most incredible relationships. The small class sizes and culture cultivated by faculty encouraged genuine connection between myself and my classmates, and I always felt like we had each other’s backs creatively and beyond.</em>”</p><p> – Zoe Kamil ’18</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3333-zoe-kamil-18">Zoe Kamil ’18</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2018, B.A. in Theatre Arts (Writing for the Stage)</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3405-abe-libman"><img src="/live/image/gid/108/width/215/src_region/0,0,932,1219/23630_Abe.rev.1576511820.jpg" alt="Abe Libman, Biology Post-Bac" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> I love the warm, welcoming, and supportive community here at MMC! I believe that the small class sizes, individualized attention, and excellent facilities are exactly what I need to help me succeed in my aspirations to go to medical school. Coming from a large university where competition was intense and the professors hardly knew their students, I have been so pleasantly surprised by the dynamic here at MMC. As an added bonus, they have wonderful extra-curricular programs, and great food! I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested.</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3405-abe-libman">Abe Libman</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Biology Post-Bac, 2025-2021</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1643-kristina-aasheim-16"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,2048,1365/13037_kristina_aasheim.rev.1461611474.jpg" alt="Kristina Aasheim, 2016" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “I can say that my studies and my internship have prepared me well for a career.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1643-kristina-aasheim-16">Kristina Aasheim ’16</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2016, <a href="/departments/business/">Business</a> and <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/">Theatre Arts</a> double-major</p><p> Minor: <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/minors/musical-theatre.php">Musical Theatre</a></p></div></div>
- · (N-P-K 19-7-19)、50 千克 佛山市三水区四季丰复合有机肥公司 精制有机肥 有机质≥45%、40kg ... VP#SY012、120/60 童服/ 男短袖上衣 2612、160/94 佛山市西伍 ...
- 赶快卸载!这些APP上了工信部“黑名单”_新民社会_新民网 ...:2021-7-31 · 网络配图 7月31日,工信部公布了2021年二季度检测发现问题的应用软件名单。其中包括酷派应用商店的“天天捕鱼”、中兴应用商店的“别踩白块 ...
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/860-jason-yuhas-11"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/17,11,172,166/4534_jason_website_photo.rev.1472490809.jpg" alt="Jason Yuhas ’11" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“While at MMC, Jason enjoyed going to class and spending time learning from the excellent professors. The business division professors were very knowledgeable and used real-life examples or current events to explain the material. This made it easier to grasp concepts used in the business world. The career services department helped out a lot by assisting in finding an internship for Jason. Jason interned at NBC his junior year which made a huge impact on his career.”</em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/860-jason-yuhas-11">Jason Yuhas ’11</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2011, B.S. in Marketing</p></div></div>
Hallie Cohen
Professor of Art
Director, Hewitt Gallery of Art -
Corey Jay Liberman
Associate Professor of Communication and Media Arts
Faces of MMC
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/890-gabrielle-pilotti-14"><img src="/live/image/gid/7/width/215/src_region/253,0,1254,1001/6401_mmc_13-12-12_138.rev.1453902729.jpg" alt="Gabrielle Pilotti / Senior Group Thesis Exhibition" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “I believe experiences guide each individual into the right direction. My experience of working at <em>Parents Magazine</em> felt as if my dream was coming true because I was not just an extra in the corporation, I was part of a team. I felt like I could see my future: managing photoshoots, interviewing casting calls for future models, and watching all aspects of an editorial business come together to form a successful magazine.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/890-gabrielle-pilotti-14">Gabrielle Pilotti ’14</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2014, Art Major, <a href="/departments/art/photography.php" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Photography concentration</a></p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3210-lisa-sicurelli-84"><img src="/live/image/gid/110/width/215/src_region/0,39,1200,1238/22137_Lisa_Sicurelli.rev.1563210092.jpg" alt="Lisa Sicurelli" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>After obtaining a degree in Psychology and quickly advancing in the real estate industry, today Sicurelli is the President, CEO, and Cofounder of Ambassador Abstract LLC, a full-service title abstract company in Roslyn, New York. </em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3210-lisa-sicurelli-84">Lisa Sicurelli ’84</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 1984, <a href="/departments/psychology/">Psychology</a> major</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3175-travis-michael-flores-11"><img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/215/src_region/0,0,723,563/22038_Travis.rev.1560371834.jpg" alt="Travis on Access Live discussing his episode of My Last Days" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> Flores ’11 currently works as an executive producer for DonateLife and is the creator/writer for the upcoming comedy series <a title="Original URL: Click or tap if you trust this link." href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-auth="Verified">(sorta) supportive</a><span class="x_MsoHyperlink">,</span> a new show that addresses chronic conditions and disabilities.</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3175-travis-michael-flores-11">Travis Michael Flores ’11</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2011, <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/ba-program/theatre-performance.php">Theatre Performance</a> concentration</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/828-amanda-anzovino-19"><img src="/live/image/gid/110/width/215/src_region/0,0,350,350/18938_Unknown.rev.1537993699.jpg" alt=" Amanda Anzovino" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“The Psychology Department at MMC is incredible! The professors are extremely encouraging and supportive. Conducting research with my professors and becoming a student leader through the Psychology Club has given me the experience needed to be successful for graduate school and my future career.”</em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/828-amanda-anzovino-19">Amanda Anzovino ’19</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2025, Major in <a href="/departments/psychology/requirements.php">Psychology</a> ; Minor in Forensic Psychology, Social Work, Sociology</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1481-caela-collins-16"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,606,736/11739_caela.rev.1472490809.jpg" alt="Caela Collins" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “Before interning at <em>The Oprah Magazine</em>, I interned for small companies. This was my first glimpse into the Corporate world; I must say I loved it. I was able to make so many great long-standing relationships and learn the ins and outs of the publishing industry. A tip of advice that I would give to anyone is to always make yourself visible by being good at your job, meet as many people as you can in different departments, and be yourself! People like helping those who show ambition and genuine interest in learning the business so ask lots of questions. This was a great experience and I took away great memories!” </p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1481-caela-collins-16">Caela Collins ’16</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2016, <a href="/departments/business/">Business</a> major, <a href="/departments/art/studio-art.php">Studio Art</a> and <a href="/departments/communication-arts/">Communication Arts</a> minors</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/2518-mary-schlaff-19"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,282,361/17766_Mary_Schlaff.rev.1527607128.jpg" alt="Mary Schlaff" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>I am thrilled that I was able to land an Internship with Franklin Templeton Investments this summer. This past year, as president of the Marymount Business Association, I have been engaged in arranging special career events on campus to give all students more opportunities to meet alumni and industry professionals and it has been so rewarding! I am truly proud to be a Griffin! </em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/2518-mary-schlaff-19">Mary Schlaff ’19</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2025, Finance Major with minors in Accounting and Economics</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1517-brooke-czoski-15"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,1463,1463/12287_brookeczoskiheadshot.rev.1457019601.jpg" alt="Brooke Czoski, 2015 Marketing major, Fashion Studies minor" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “The professors at MMC are what really made my experience enjoyable. The passion, dedication, and expertise that they projected created an environment where everyone wanted to succeed.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1517-brooke-czoski-15">Brooke Czoski ’15</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2015, BS Marketing</p><p> Minor: Fashion Studies</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/2139-cody-gambino-17"><img src="/live/image/gid/106/width/215/src_region/0,0,663,614/16032_gambino_cody.rev.1505253889.jpg" alt="Cody Gambino ’17" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “Taking on the GSS minor allowed me to fully realize the potential of my English and World Literatures major. I took theories and information that I learned across various classes in the minor and used that knowledge to inform my research and literary criticism i was writing in my major. I was able to hold my own in a class on 18th century literature and sexuality because of my knowledge of theories on gender and sexuality, I was able to conduct research and write a paper that explores the gender binary in literate because the GSS minor provided me with the tools necessary to supplement my major area of study. Gender and Sexuality is a part of everyday life and informs many of the decisions we make, whether we realize it or not, so it’s a good compliment to any area of study.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/2139-cody-gambino-17">Cody Gambino ’17</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2017, Major in English and World Literatures</p></div></div>
- · 3-8d^f嘲d仁j哜g祜Z轭I诵8挋'ag@ddWkf_mb\fV]fR潶捇楷 乵帎z撩 坎2=5 *(_qraru└邯挡ltmEMBipc磐掠坌啅匱`Z^lkASRf|w牨 巧峨褛 煬疀嚈?dX(亀3扛刈g膈d漶]祠:臣 IA0?; # 74 DBHG gh.枙C推X赕l轳[咒H藻@垭4揲:捭b殡z祆戶驒 婙鯹刂?烂\^ %& 64)殬峾xmGC8E
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3333-zoe-kamil-18"><img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/215/src_region/40,207,1272,1440/23191_Zoe_Kamil_headshot.rev.1572789459.jpg" alt="Zoe Kamil '18" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “<em>Playwriting at Marymount Manhattan enabled me to form the most incredible relationships. The small class sizes and culture cultivated by faculty encouraged genuine connection between myself and my classmates, and I always felt like we had each other’s backs creatively and beyond.</em>”</p><p> – Zoe Kamil ’18</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3333-zoe-kamil-18">Zoe Kamil ’18</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> 2018, B.A. in Theatre Arts (Writing for the Stage)</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3405-abe-libman"><img src="/live/image/gid/108/width/215/src_region/0,0,932,1219/23630_Abe.rev.1576511820.jpg" alt="Abe Libman, Biology Post-Bac" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> I love the warm, welcoming, and supportive community here at MMC! I believe that the small class sizes, individualized attention, and excellent facilities are exactly what I need to help me succeed in my aspirations to go to medical school. Coming from a large university where competition was intense and the professors hardly knew their students, I have been so pleasantly surprised by the dynamic here at MMC. As an added bonus, they have wonderful extra-curricular programs, and great food! I would highly recommend this program to anyone interested.</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3405-abe-libman">Abe Libman</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Biology Post-Bac, 2025-2021</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1643-kristina-aasheim-16"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/0,0,2048,1365/13037_kristina_aasheim.rev.1461611474.jpg" alt="Kristina Aasheim, 2016" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> “I can say that my studies and my internship have prepared me well for a career.”</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1643-kristina-aasheim-16">Kristina Aasheim ’16</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2016, <a href="/departments/business/">Business</a> and <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/">Theatre Arts</a> double-major</p><p> Minor: <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/minors/musical-theatre.php">Musical Theatre</a></p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/1678-jessica-norton-16"><img src="/live/image/gid/186/width/215/src_region/23,17,460,454/13512_jessica_norton.rev.1465481789.jpg" alt="Jessica Norton ’16" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p> Jessica Norton ’16 earned her <strong>B.A. in Communication Arts</strong> and is a <strong>Pop Writer for MTV News</strong> and is helping to develop the new editorial website for AwesomenessTV which just launched. She also plans to pursue a graduate degree in Media Management at The New School in the fall.</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/1678-jessica-norton-16">Jessica Norton ’16</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2016, Major in Communication Arts</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/3287-sean-linehan-04"><img src="/live/image/gid/95/width/215/src_region/0,0,378,435/23122_Sean_Linehan_2.rev.1571789672.jpg" alt="Sean Linehan" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“The hands-on nature of the classes left me ready to jump into the technical theatre world with real, applicable skills and knowledge.”</em></p><p><em>–</em> Seán Linehan ’04 (Lighting Designer, Master Electrician, The Lighting Syndicate, and the T.E.A.M.)</p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/3287-sean-linehan-04">Seán Linehan ’04</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2004, BFA in <a href="/departments/theatre-arts/bfa-in-acting.php">Acting</a>, Lighting Designer and Master Electrician</p></div></div>
- <span class="lw_item_thumb"><a href="/live/profiles/860-jason-yuhas-11"><img src="/live/image/gid/125/width/215/src_region/17,11,172,166/4534_jason_website_photo.rev.1472490809.jpg" alt="Jason Yuhas ’11" class="lw_image" width="215"/></a></span><div class="lw_profiles_103 styled-link"><p><em>“While at MMC, Jason enjoyed going to class and spending time learning from the excellent professors. The business division professors were very knowledgeable and used real-life examples or current events to explain the material. This made it easier to grasp concepts used in the business world. The career services department helped out a lot by assisting in finding an internship for Jason. Jason interned at NBC his junior year which made a huge impact on his career.”</em></p></div><div class="lw_profiles_info"><div class="lw_profiles_name"><a href="/live/profiles/860-jason-yuhas-11">Jason Yuhas ’11</a></div><div class="lw_profiles_104"><p> Class of 2011, B.S. in Marketing</p></div></div>
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